Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Way I Am - Ingrid Michaelson

Good morning amazing people. I had a decent night. I was uninterrupted from 11:30 until 7:00. I actually slept 6 hours with lots of trips to the bathroom. I did not wet the bed once. My threshold for success is...what it is. I am happy to have a pain management plan and bowel management plan. Prevention is power! I gave my chemo bag and pole a big hug this morning and thanked it for doing its job. I think next time I will bring some stickers to decorate my chemo bag and hydration bag. Like a little blessing or just to keep it fun. Like Tom Hanks and his ball "Wilson" in Castaway.

I have been getting the VIP treatment since I was bumped from Thursday to Friday for chemo. The nurse manager apologized many times gave my husband some free meal tickets. I have had great nurses. Saw my oncologist twice and actually was able to appreciate her and have a heart to heart talk. She reminded me to appreciate my hubby too. She said she sees a lot of hubbys and mine is a solid rock and a real good one. I agree. We need more us time, regular dates. I am very lucky my hubby loves us and is a warrior for his family, like I am a warrior fighting cancer.

I will be here until 5 or 7 getting chemo. Than infusion tomorrow and the dreaded Nulasta shot is tomorrow. I will rephrase that my friend the nulasta helper shot is tomorrow.

I just feel extreme gratitude today. Thank you everyone and the pacific yew tree bark.

Sent from my iPhone

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