Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Keep on truckin

Had a little set back. Sunday night I had a belly ache it progressed into vomiting and a lot of pain, holy moley. So by Monday at 5pm I was in the ER. They found a small bowel obstruction. This can happen if you have a history of radiation, like I do. So with iv pain meds and anti-nausea meds I have been relieved. I am still in the hospital, finally aloud to eat a regular diet. My stomach is still distended but I have no pain or nausea. I have been walking the halls in effort to keep my body moving. I should go home this afternoon.

Wow that was painful, like labor with no baby reward. Thank goodness I haven't needed surgery. If I did or do than I am off to Seattle. But looks like I will be heading home later. Time to go walk. Peace

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