Saturday, October 15, 2011

Two Tickets to Paradise- Eddie Money

Another day for you and me in paradise, sings Phil Collins. Is it? Or Is it all in ones perception how you view your day, month- Life? Are you living in paradise? I guess we all get to define what paradise is. Right now my paradise involves having lots of energy and being pain free. So I am not living in paradise. My paradise also includes a loving family- I guess I am in paradise.

Really I feel like I am living in a "gangstas paradise", walking at night in a cold city, not the kind of paradise where you are dancing in a field of wild flowers with the warm sun on your face. Is that my choice? Sometimes

How about "almost paradise" as sung by Loverboy in classic 80's hit movie Footloose .Almost paradise, how could we ask for more... I am asking for a lot more. Right now I feel more like my life is a rolling pair-o-dice not paradise. (yes, that was cheesy but it made me laugh and that was a little piece of paradise for me today.)

Sent from my iPhone

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