Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Freedom- George Michael

Time seems to be moving slow and fast at the same time. A new discovery or diagnosis has been made to add to my complicated patient profile. My blood pressure has been erratic but mostly stable ranging from 115/80 to 140/95. My pulse has been around 80-100.

Since my last post I saw 3 docs who all gave me different recommendations. Finally I was taken off all 3 bp meds and received 3 days of hydration at the short stay unit in the hospital (Sept 23rd). Still nauseous and throwing up, I made it through. My kidney labs were not so good and prompted a trip to get an ultrasound. The ultrasound indicated severe hydronephrosis of the right kidney. It's not working so well, so off to the urologist I go this Friday. My kidneys have been overworked. So now it mkes sense why my BP has been crazy. My BP is up a little as I described in the first paragraph. My doc said to start one of the BP meds again. I tried it, was nauseous and could not get out of bed, so I stopped taking it. What a mess.

Now I am waiting to learn about what kind of exiting procedure I may look forward to (i.e. A stent placed in my kidney through my ureter). I swear I must have been evil in a past life. To add to the story I continue to have chronic leg pain that is often debilitating.

I want to swear a lot because of the pain but am trying to be creative in my expression of my pain to add some ironic humor to my life and PG rating for the family. So yes if you listen closely that is me yelling in pain, Calico Cat! Mother Theresa! Bartles and James!

Thankfully everything is temporary and will change. Right now I have energy between 10-1 and the rest of the day I need to rest and deal with the pain. Wish me luck that this road will so veer off in a new direction that is smooth and easy.

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