Sunday, April 24, 2011

you light up my life- anne Murray

Day 12 of the phlegm train. I am feeling better. Still tired by the afternoon. Still can't hear properly but there is some improvement.

My head has been so stuffed that I feel like I don't have room to think. I rearranged help and child care next week in the hopes that I will be up to getting Chemo. If I had to go tomorrow, I'd say no way.

We had a fun family Easter weekend. Little C ate his first jelly bean. He started to chew it up, looked at me and said " I don't like it," spit it out and handed it to me. This is the only time I have wondered if he is my child. He also blew his own bubbles for the first time and was truly thrilled by this feat.

The one "adult song" that he knows the words to is Bob Marley, Don't Worry bout thing. He chooses to sing this song when things get busy or stressful. I think/know part of the reason he is here is to bring light into our lives. He is inspirational!

Sent from my iPad

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