Sunday, August 14, 2011

Save Me - Aimee Mann

Another day of learning and coping with change. My body continues to evolve, devolve whatever you want to call it.

You know how most of us have uneven bodies. Your right bicep is stronger than the left. My right leg muscles or adipose has always been slightly larger then my left, until now. I am dealing with the spread of lymphadema down my left leg to the tip of my toes. Now I have to call my left leg "big leg" a name that was always awarded to my right leg. I make light of it but it is anxiety producing. It comes and goes and the only way to deal is to wear compression hose and see a physical therapist that is booked out for weeks.

Each day I wake up to a new physical reality. Not much I can count on except change and usually pain and fatigue. I am not looking for sympathy it is just the reality. The challenge is to try to have some levity in my day when I am in pain and not sure what is coming next. It is all temporary and will change. Maybe these side effects are exacerbated due to my treatment being so recent.

I just wish I could sleep without pain. I think about the amount of people living with chronic pain and wonder how do they deal. I guess that is where drugs come in for most people. I am not a fan of meds or feeling groggy. I still need them however. I guess we all have pain in our lives. Well I tell you what, if I knew that the pain I experience now would reduce pain for others, I would feel much better about dealing. I would rather be pain free I am not that much of a martyr.

Here's to the mystery of life!

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Lady shows us the way

We live in a quaint neighborhood. The lettered streets. It used to be known as the lehtto streets when i was in college , attending house parties and renting with 3 roomates. Now it is an up and coming fixer neighborhood. Close to town but confusing for out of town visitors due to the many one way streets.

On the days that I work, I drive my son to childcare. We have a routine each way through the neighborhood. We wait our turn at the stop light. We pass a yard speckled with chickens. We count the brown chickens and yellow chickens. If they are not in sight, my 2 yr old comments, "maybe they're in the hen house." He comments on the buses and big trucks he sees.

 We have a similar routine when we drive home. The drive home also includes passing a red house with a purple door. My son announces when we pass it. We pass our neighborhood garden and the "lettered street" neighborhood sign. In the garden, my son noticed someone had created a human size woman out of flowers. She changes with the seasons. Now, she is lush with bright flowers and greenery. Earlier this winter,  she was more of a shell of twisted vines and dried looking moss. She wears some blue fabric as part of her dress and a yellow velour hat with a flower. She has no face but she looks like a lady of the garden, with a big hoop skirt with flowers in hand and the hat to protect her from the elements. We call her "the lady". When we drive home she is on our route. Each day my son says, "there's the lady". 

One afternoon on our routine trip home we saw "the lady" and noticed her hat had fallen off her head. It was a few feet behind her in a bed of purple thistles. We decided the garden goddess needs her hat. We had always seen the lady from the car never in person. We finished dinner and started on our mission to put the yellow hat back on "the lady".

When we got to "the lady" she was still hatless. Up close she was a bit prickly despite the vibrant flowers that grew on her body. We picked up her faded yellow velour hat and placed it on her head. She didn't turn into Cinderella or snow white. She was her steady solid garden lady self, weathered yet vibrant.  

It felt really good to make things right for "the lady", To uphold her image of garden goddess. "the lady" is special. Unlike the chickens, you can count on the lady being there every day. She is not polished or nicely groomed. She is weathered and rough around the edges. She is a survivor. She may not look great in the dead of winter but she is there and you can still recognize her in spirit. You can count on a spring bloom and transformation to celebrate new beginnings.

 I am thankful for our neighborhood garden goddess. I am thankful for her realness with the seasons. She has no pretensions, no point to prove. She is stable and present. She is the peace of being. She isn't in a hurry to her next activity. She reminds me to let go and take time to be. she reminds me that no one is perfect. She reminds me to have strength through all weather. She reminds me to be strong and thrive.

We explored her garden, sat in the gazebo and watched cars go by. I enjoyed cherished time with my son, showing appreciation for our community and a reminder to be present and notice.

Keep on truckin

Had a little set back. Sunday night I had a belly ache it progressed into vomiting and a lot of pain, holy moley. So by Monday at 5pm I was in the ER. They found a small bowel obstruction. This can happen if you have a history of radiation, like I do. So with iv pain meds and anti-nausea meds I have been relieved. I am still in the hospital, finally aloud to eat a regular diet. My stomach is still distended but I have no pain or nausea. I have been walking the halls in effort to keep my body moving. I should go home this afternoon.

Wow that was painful, like labor with no baby reward. Thank goodness I haven't needed surgery. If I did or do than I am off to Seattle. But looks like I will be heading home later. Time to go walk. Peace

Monday, August 1, 2011

Firework - Katy Perry

And here I am back in the race. The busy must accomplish so many things in one day race. Less time to write or enter the creative zone. Again how do I find balance. The big question. I find myself wanting to create a writing formula for my blog. I need to rest. That is what I need.

My scan was crystal clear. I have three months of healing, normalcy and life ahead of me. I continue to get Avastin infusions every three weeks. I am in the process of getting the infusions transferred close to home. My blood pressure is climbing a side effect of the medication. Tomorrow I will start on a new medication to lower my blood pressure. I am nervous about adding medication to my body. I fear a slippery slope. I continue to have siatic pain that wakes me up at night. I was given another medication for nerve pain. I will see a physical therapist tomorrow about my pain. Oh it's a laundry list.

I am tired of my body being the focus of my life, it takes up so much of my time, the unfolding of my survivor self. When I am in between taking vitamins, supplements and medication. I am having brief moments of pure presence and joy. For example, I put hair product in my hair, thrilling moment. Walking because I can. Go to the grocery store more than once a week. Swimming with my son. Being inspired by others. Love for my family. Driving with the radio on. So many moments where I am thankful to just be in the moment, to be alive.

Then 99% of the rest of it is trying to multitask. I appreciate that 1%. Slow down friend that is my advice for you- self.