Healing is not easy work. I am faced with same advice we always told laboring women when they were getting ready to push: one step forward and two steps back, that pushing stage is usually slow (at least with those first time moms). Or in my case feel good one day and crappy for two days. On Monday I was lucky enough to get the stomach flu. I was saddled with nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea and a low grade fever. The ickiness lasted through yesterday. In some ways it was helpful to have "loose stool" but the multiple trips to the bathroom were not so great. I felt the pain.
Luckily I am healed enough to have reached some very important milestones. I will list them because I want them to stand out and remind myself how far I've come.
1. I can wear pants and underwear
2. I have been off the steroids for 8 days
3. Today I went for 15 hours without needing ibuprofen
4. I can wipe or blot
5. I no longer need the fan
6. I do not need to have a sitz bath 3-4x per day maybe 1x
7. I can care for Canyon by myself for the whole day (which is exhausting no mater what)
8. I can sit like a normal person
I am sure there are more milestones but those are the ones that come to mind. I am also juicing veges and some fruits every day. I have stopped eating sugar/most sweets. Take that cancer cells.
I bought my tickets to see Hall and Oates in September. I think it will either be fun/funny good time or ridiculous and "I can't believe I spent money to go to this concert". I hope it will be fun, I guess that is up to me.